Volume 7 Number 1 January 1997
Empirical Bayes, Sequential Analysis and Related Topics
Resampling fewer than n observations: gains, losses, and remedies for losses-------- ------------------------------------- Bickel, P. J., G tze, F. and van Zwet, W. R. 1 On optimal stopping problems in sequential hypothesis testing ------------ Lai, T. L. 33 Corrected confidence sets for sequentially designed experiments---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Woodroofe, M. and Coad, D. S. 53 An asymptotic theory of sequential designs based on maximum likelihood recursions --- -------------------------------------------------------- Ying, Z. and Wu, C. F. J. 75 A new look at optimal stopping problems related to mathematical finance-------------- ------------------------------------------------------Beibel, M. and Lerche, H. R. 93 A particular application of Brownian motion to sequential analysis------------------- --------------------------------------------------------Hubert, S. L. and Pyke, R. 109 Applications of a frailty model to sequential survival analysis---------------------- ------------------------------------ Chang, I.-S., Hsiung, C. A. and Chuang, Y.-C. 127 On testing of lifetimes ----------------------------------------------------Zheng, Z. 139 On Spitzerˇ¦s formula for the moment of ladder variables ---------------- Chow, Y. S. 149 A central limit theorem for the number of success runs: an example of regenerative processes --------------------------------------------- Kou, S. G. and Chow, Y. S. 157 The approximate distribution of the maximum of a smoothed Poisson random field----- -------------------------------------------------- Rabinowitz, D. and Siegmund, D. 167 Empirical Bayes and compound estimation of normal means ---------------- Zhang, C.-H. 181 On Blackwells minimax theorem and the compound decision method-------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Fabian, V. and Hannan, J. 195 The evolution of a problem -------------------------- Baird, H. S. and Mallows, C. L. 211